Our Research & Projects
HNRNP Family Foundation presents recently published and shared projects that focus on our community of HNRNP patients.
Many of these projects are made possible through collaborative efforts without partners and memberships.
We also recognize that projects do not come to fruition without the donations of time, patient samples, and fundraising campaigns, so thank you for your unwavering support!
In collaboration with Columbia University's Ricupero Lab, Stem Cell Core, and Bain Brain Lab, this project encompasses research knowledge that aims to answer questions about pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in research and in connect with the HNRNP-RNDD community.
The project is present in two formats: a presentation and video.
Access the HNRNP-RNDDs and iPSCs presentation here:
HNRNPQ- Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder Research Paper
Several HNRNP-RNDD researchers, including our Director of Research Dr. Gillentine, come together to present, this research paper focusing on the expansion of the phenotype in individuals with SYNCRIP-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder.